
美国旅游及酒店专业课程体系模式研究 被引量:1

Research on Curricula Models in American Tourism and Hospitality Education
摘要 本文旨在研究美国已有的旅游与酒店教育课程体系模式,以及它们是如何处理专业教育与行业需求之间的关系,其内容涉及到三个方面,一是已有的旅游与酒店专业课程体系模式,二是已有专业课程体系模式的教学理念和原则,三是课程体系是如何满足行业的人才需求,以期为我国高等旅游教育的改革和发展提供借鉴。 This article seeks to examine program curricula models that have been advanced and how they relate tO the issues at hand. The research therefore attempts to answer the following questions:l. What T&H program curricula models have been advanced.9 2. Are there philosophical concerns underlying the models that have been advanced? 3. How do program curricula play out in the current human resource issues facing the indus- try.9 Its aim is to provide references for development of Chinese higher tourism education.
作者 文小波
出处 《四川烹饪高等专科学校学报》 2012年第5期3-6,10,共5页
关键词 旅游与酒店教育 专业课程体系 专业课程体系模式 tourism & hospitality education major program curricula program curricula model
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