
论转基因食品标识的国际标准——以食品法典委员会为视角 被引量:4

On International Standards of Genetically Modified Food Labeling——From Perspective of Codex Alimentarius Commission
摘要 食品法典委员会是国际上影响最大的食品标准化组织,自1993年开始讨论转基因食品标识的议题,直到2012年初仍未形成得到普遍认同的国际标准。通过对其食品标识分委员会形成的7个文本草案进行比较,发现在强制标识上存在致敏性和实质不等同的相同,存在是否强制标识、阀值、豁免和执行的不同;食品法典委员会不能形成国际标准的内部原因是在转基因食品上科学无定论、利益集团分歧严重,外部原因是食品法典委员会与WTO过于紧密的联系。提出食品法典标准关于转基因食品标识国际标准的发展方向:转基因食品标识标准应是原则性的和宽松的。 The Codex Alimentarius Commission(hereafter CAC) is the most influential international organ- ization for food standard. Since 1993, CAC began to discuss the issue of genetically modified food labeling, but till 2012, a widely accepted international standard has still not .formed- Based on the comparision among 7 draft texts made by food labeling sub-commission of the CAC, this paper discovers that consensus on allergic labeling and no-substantial equivalence labeling is reached, but mandatory labeling for ordinary genetically modified food, threshold, exemptions and implementation are still on the debate. The difficulties for consensus on this is- sue are multiple. For genetically modified foods themselves, without final scientific conclusion and with big di-verge on various interest groups are internal causes; and for the CAC, its close relationship with the WTO is ex-ternal cause. Therefore, this paper puts forward suggestions on how to put food standard to use in GMF labe-ling, that is, international standard on genetically modified food labeling will be fundamental and flexible.
作者 付文佚
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期82-86,共5页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 转基因食品 转基因食品标识 食品法典委员会 国际标准 法规 genetically modified food(GMF) GMF labeling the Codex Alimentarius Commission international standard legislation
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