
以优质课程建设促进专业教学与科研良性互动的探索与实践——以华中农业大学社会学团队的改革实践为例 被引量:4

How to Use Construction of High Quality Courses to Promote Positive Interaction of Disciplinary Teaching and Research: Exploration and Practice——A Case Study of Reform and Practice by Sociological Teaching Team of Huazhong Agricultural University
摘要 教学与科研良性互动是全面履行高等教育职能的内在要求和研究型大学的重要特质;促进专业教学与科研良性互动是高校教师的职业使命。在专业内部不同课程之间发展水平不尽均衡的背景下,充分发挥优质课程建设的示范效应、辐射效应和资源整合效应,有助于推动专业整体教学水平的提升,促进专业教学与科研的良性互动。基于上述理念,全面分析了华中农业大学社会学教学团队以农村社会学优质课程建设为契机,开展以优质课程建设促进专业教学与科研良性互动的改革实践,并对该团队在实践中取得的显著成效从4个方面进行了总结:以农村社会学国家级教学团队为核心,形成了一支教学与科研水平双高的师资队伍;以农村社会学为优势和特色,形成了一系列丰硕的教研成果;提升了学生的创新能力,取得了一大批优秀科研成果;提升了学生专业认同感,培养了面向城乡社会建设的社会学创新人才。 Positive interaction between teaching and research is an internal demanct to pertorm the functions of higher education, and it is also the important character of research-oriented universities. Moreover, it's a professional mission for university teachers to promote the positive interaction between teaching and research. Under the background of unbalanced development among different courses within a discipline, by means of taking advantages of demonstration effect, radiation effect and resource inte-gration effect of high quality courses, it's an effective approach to promote the overall improvement of disciplinary teaching quality and positive interaction between teaching and research. Based on the above --mentioned ideas, this paper first comprehensively analyzes the reform and practice of positive interac- tion between disciplinary teaching and research promoted by construction of high quality courses by tak- ing the opportunities of constructing high quality courses such as rural sociology by the sociological teaching team of Huazhong Agricultural University, then this paper summarizes the remarkable achieve-ments in the practice made by this teaching team from the following four aspects, such as with rural so-ciology state-level teaching team at the core, a teaching team both excellent in teaching and research was formed; a series of greater successes which is characterized with rural sociology was achieved ; large quantities of excellent achievements in scientific research were made and the innovative capablity of students were also improved and finally so many sociology innovative talents specialized for the rural and urban construction were cultivated, more importantly, student's major acceptance was enhanced either.
出处 《华中农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期127-132,共6页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 湖北省高等学校教学研究项目"优质课程建设促进专业教学与科研良性互动研究--以农村社会学系列课程为例"(2010144) 华中农业大学教改项目"转型期高校和谐师生关系构建研究"(2011A02)
关键词 优质课程建设 专业教学与科研 良性互动 教学团队 construction of high quality courses disciplinary teaching and research positive inter-action teaching team
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