
农牧民对禁牧政策的意愿及其影响因素分析 被引量:8

Farmers′Perceptions of Rangeland Enclosure Policy and Influencing Factors
摘要 采用问卷调查方法,以宁夏自治区盐池县为例,调查了农牧民对封育禁牧政策的意愿及其影响因素。调查结果表明,92.4%的受访者认为封育禁牧政策对恢复草原生态成效显著,草原生态环境得到改善,78.0%的受访者表示支持禁牧政策,但同时有42.6%的受访者表示禁牧对其生活造成了负面影响,高达81.8%的受访农牧民认为存在偷牧现象。调查结果也揭示出当前封育禁牧政策对政策参与者切身利益关注不足,增加了弱势群体(受教育程度低,收入少,生存条件差,老年人群、妇女等)的生存风险,政策制定过程中农牧民参与度不够,后续配套政策措施不完善,跟进不及时等现实问题,影响了实施效果。建议政策制定和实施过程中,必须充分考虑当地居民最基本的生存与发展权利,发展地区优势产业,实现生态、经济、社会的综合可持续发展。 Using questionnaires, this study analyzed the farmers' attitudes and responses towards the range- land enclosure policy(REP). The results show that 92. 4% of the interviewees believed that a significant achievement has been made ever since the new policy went into effect. Meanwhile about 78.0~//0 of the inter- viewees supported the policy. However, a large proportion(42.60//oo) of the interviewees felt that their liveli- hoods had been adversely affected by the REP. Furthermore, 81.8~ of the interviewees admitted that the illegal activities like grazing at night still exist. The study found that the immediate interests of vulnerable groups(low lever education, low lever income, harsh living condition, elders and women, etc. ) were largely ignored, which turned out as the main problem of the deployment of REP. Consequently, we proposed that full attention should be paid to the residents' basic living and developing rights. At the same time, for the sake of the comprehensive development of the ecology, economy and society, the local government must develop industries with local advantages.
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期307-311,共5页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家“十二五”科技支撑项目“荒漠化地区退化土地治理与植被保育技术集成与示范”(2012BAD16B02)
关键词 封育禁牧 问卷调查 人口统计变量 可持续发展 range enclosure policy questionnaire demographic variables sustainable development
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