
双层无线异构网络下行干扰抑制方法研究 被引量:1

Research on downlink interference mitigation for two-tier wireless heterogeneous networks
摘要 针对引入家庭基站技术的双层无线异构网络中存在严重的跨层和同层干扰的问题,提出了一种基于伪随机子信道选择的干扰抑制方案。该方案首先通过干扰随机化抑制跨层干扰,然后利用干扰图计算最大可选择伪随机序列个数抑制同层干扰。通过对比传统干扰抑制方案,验证了该方案能更有效地抑制系统干扰,提高系统吞吐量。 Femtocell technology, which is adopted in two-tier wireless heterogeneous networks, brings severe cross-tier and co-tier interference. A novel interference mitigation scheme based on pseudo-random subchannel selection (PRSS) is proposed in this paper. At first, the PRSS scheme is performed to randomize the cross-tier interference. Then the proposed scheme utilizes neighbor reIation graph, which could be helpful to calculate the maximum number of pseudo-random sequences for every femtocell in the two-tier networks, to mitigate the co-tier interference. The simulation results show that the proposed PRSS scheme keeps lower interference level while obtains better throughput compared to the conventional schemes.
出处 《信息技术》 2012年第8期71-76,共6页 Information Technology
关键词 双层无线异构网络 家庭基站 干扰抑制 伪随机序列 OFDM two-tier wireless heterogeneous networks femtocell interference mitigation pseudorandom sequence OFDM
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