
氟喹诺酮类药物胶体金试纸的研制 被引量:7

Development of an Immunochromatographic Strip Test for Fluoroquinolones
摘要 用针对抗氟喹诺酮类(fluoroquinolones,FQs)药物的广谱性单克隆抗体建立了可以同时检测11种FQs药物的胶体金免疫层析方法。该试纸条用20nm的胶体金标记单抗,将诺氟沙星-卵清蛋白喷涂在检测线上,羊抗小鼠二抗喷涂在质控线上。该胶体金试纸对猪肉和虾中环丙沙星、恩诺沙星和氧氟沙星的检测限都是30ng/g,对诺氟沙星、培氟沙星、依诺沙星、麻保沙星、洛美沙星、达氟沙星、沙拉沙星和二氟沙星8种药物在以上两种样品中添加浓度为100ng/g时都可被检出,整个检测过程包括样品前处理的时间可在20min内完成。试验结果表明符合对这11种FQs药物在鸡肉和虾中残留现场大量筛查的要求。 A rapid and sensitive colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay based on a monoclonal antibody,which could detect 11 fluoroquinolones(FQs) was developed.The monoclonal antibody was labeled with 20 nm gold particles as the detection reagent which was immobilized on glass fiber,and norfloxacin-ovalbumin was blotted on the test line while a sheep anti-mouse antibody was used on the control line combined on nitrocellose.The detection limits of the strip in pork and shrimp samples were 30 ng/g for ciprofloxacin,enrofloxacin,ofloxacin and 100 ng/g for norfloxacin,pefloxacin,enoxacin,marbofloxacin,lomefloxacin,danofloxacin,sarafloxacin and difloxacin.The whole process involved sample preparation and detection could be finished in less than 20 minutes.The results demonstrated that the method could be used as a screening tool for the determination of 11 FQs residues in large amount of pork and shrimp samples on site.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第9期54-58,共5页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
关键词 氟喹诺酮 胶体金 免疫层析 多残留快速检测 fluoroquinolones colloidal gold immunochromatography rapid detection of multiple residues
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