
新发现的动物传染病——施马伦贝格病 被引量:2

Schmallenberg Disease:An Emerging Animal Disease
摘要 施马伦贝格病是2011年11月首次在德国北莱茵—威斯特法伦州的反刍动物中发现的,由布尼亚病毒科正布尼亚病毒属的新成员———施马伦贝格病毒引起的一种新发动物传染病,主要危害绵羊、牛、山羊和野牛。作者对新近发现的施马伦贝格病的发生历史、流行情况、临床症状、病原学、流行病学、病理变化、诊断方法等作一综述。在欧洲施马伦贝格病疫情蔓延迅速,严重危害反刍动物健康,威胁畜牧业生产安全,已经引起欧盟和世界动物卫生组织的高度关注。中国是农业和畜牧业的生产与贸易大国,且中欧农产品贸易往来频繁,应保持高度警惕性,适时采取必要的限制措施,严防这种新发动物传染病传入。 Schmallenberg disease was first discovered in North Rhine-Westphalia,Germany in November 2011.It was an emerging infectious animal disease caused by Schmallenberg virus,a new member of Orthobunyavirus genus of Bunyaviridae family,which might infect sheep,cattle,goats and bison.This paper summarized recent findings on the history,prevalence,clinical symptoms,etiology,epidemiology,pathological changes and diagnostic methods of the disease.It was believed that Schmallenberg virus spreaded rapidly,and was extremely hazardous to ruminants and livestock production.The disease had already been attached great attention from the EU and OIE.As a major trading country of animal and animal products in the world,China had been a big trade partner of animal and animal products with EU member countries,and should be alert and take necessary restrictive measures to prevent the entrance of the emerging infectious disease.
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第9期217-222,共6页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
关键词 施马伦贝格病 施马伦贝格病毒 布尼亚病毒科 正布尼亚病毒属 动物传染病 新发疾病 Schmallenberg disease Schmallenberg virus Bunyaviridae Orthobunyavirus infectious animal disease emerging disease
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