目的探讨儿童伤害的发生现状及周围家庭环境、游戏场所的影响因素,为社会和家庭预防儿童伤害提供指导和预防方法。方法采用分层随机整群抽样方法,按老街道、城乡结合部(流动人口密集地)、乡镇3个层次,抽取4个老街道、3个城乡结合部、6个乡镇,采用儿童安全联盟(TASC)在亚洲各国普遍应用的调查表为基本模板,根据我市实际情况进行必要的修订。结果武汉市儿童伤害的发生率为78.7%。伤害组儿童家周围500 m内有湖泊、江河、水塘的比例高于未伤害组;伤害组家中地面类型以水泥地面为主,未伤害组以木地板为主;伤害组家中儿童床无护栏的比例,主要热源类型为煤炉、火灶的比例,儿童经常活动地方有障碍物、有水源、有危险品(电源、热源)的比例均高于未伤害组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。伤害组游戏场所地面类型以水泥地面、泥土地面为主,未伤害组以水泥地面、木地板为主;两组儿童常用玩具的安全性、游戏场所设备种类比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。居住在乡镇、家中儿童床无护栏是儿童发生意外伤害的危险因素,而母亲从不参与娱乐、家周围500 m内无湖泊等水源是保护因素。结论儿童意外伤害的高频发生不容忽视,儿童家庭及环境因素与儿童意外伤害的发生有关,对控制与干预儿童意外伤害有着一定的指导作用。
Objective To investigate the current condition of unintentional children injuries in Wuhan city and the in- fluencing factors in family environment and playground in order to provide guidance and preventing methods for society and family in preventing unintentional children injuries. Methods Four streets in city, three sub -urban areas and six towns were selected according to three levels : the old streets, the urban fringe ( intensive floating population) and township by using stratified random cluster sampling method. The questionnaire adopted the basic template widely used by Alliance for Safe Children ( TASC ) in Asian countries after necessary amendments based on the actual situation of the city. Results The incidence of child injury in Wuhan was 78. 7%. Higher proportion of injury group had lakes, rivers or reservoirs within 500 meters around the children's house com- pared with the non -injury group. The ground of the injury group was mainly concrete floor, while the ground of the non -injury group was mainly wood floor. The proportions of no guard rails in children's bed, using coal stove and fire stove as the main type of heat source and having obstacle, water and dangerous stuff (power source, heat source) around children's activity place were all significantly higher in the injury group than the non - injury group ( P 〈 0.01 ) . The playground type of the injury group was mainly concrete floor and soil, while the playground type of the non - injury group was mainly concrete floor and wood floor. There were significant differences in the safety of commonly played toy and the types of playground equipment between the two groups ( P 〈0. O1 ) . Living in the township and no guard rails in children's bed were risk factors of unintentional children injuries, while mother never participated in the entertainment and no lakes around the house within 500 meters were protective fac- tors. Conclusion The high -frequency of unintentional children injuries cannot be paid close attention to. Factors of children's family and environment are related to the occurrence of unintentional children injuries, and might also play a guiding role in the control and intervention of unintentional children injuries.
Chinese General Practice
Children accident
Family environment
Play and playthings
Data collaction