
基于中药颗粒设计的制剂规律初探 被引量:6

Preliminary Exploration on Preparation Rules Based on Chinese Medicine Granules Design
摘要 中药制剂的原料大部分是中药提取物,其理化性质不明确。对于这些物料所表现出的共性和特殊性,鲜有系统、深入的评价和研究,也缺少改善其不良物理性质的方法及改性技术的研究。该文以中药颗粒设计为基础,综述了中药颗粒成型原理、中药浸膏粉体特性和制备工艺参数与产物颗粒特性的关联规律及中药浸膏粉体改性规律,并提出中药浸膏粉制备中药颗粒剂的研究思路。这有助于解决中药制剂研究和生产中存在的问题,并加速其向现代制剂及现代剂型转变的步伐。 Most of the raw materials of Chinese medicine are traditional Chinese medicine extract,their physicochemical properties are not clear. The generality and speciality demonstrated by these materials lack the systematic evaluation and research, also lack the Meth- ods for improving their poor physical properties and the researches on the modification technologies. This paper is based on the design of Chinese medicine granules, summarizes the forming principle of traditional Chinese medicine granules, the assoeiation rules between powder characteristics and preparation process parameters and product granule characteristics, the modified rules of Traditional Chinese medicine extracted powder,and puts forward the research train of thought to prepare Chinese medicine granules from Chinese medicine extract powder. This may contribute to the solution of problems existing in the traditional Chinese medicine research and production to accelerate its pace of change to modern preparation and modern formulation forms.
作者 吴玉霞
出处 《中国药业》 CAS 2012年第18期17-19,共3页 China Pharmaceuticals
关键词 中药制剂 物理性质 中药浸膏 改性 traditional Chinese medicine physical properties traditional Chinese medicine extract modification
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