With the coming of low birth - rate and aging society, the university age population of the higher education is decreasing, thus the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology started structure adjustment in 2011 by establishing "University Structure Reform Committee", which is specially in charge of closing private universities and dismantling and merging national universities and formally promotes the work of university structure adjustment. The critical assessment criteria for the adjustment includes: rate of undergraduates, rate of employment, rate of full - time teachers, rate of enrollment of the freshmen, student management, etc. The committee urges the lower 15% of the universities of the assessment to formulate "reform project of own structure", to promote automatically the structure reform of the merging of same disciplines and universities, etc. The effect of the structure reform is profound, thus the government and the universities should make the following efforts: to emphasize quality more than quantity, to formulate legislative laws for university reorganization and structure adjustment, to strength constructing universities with their own characteristics and to look for effective replacing financial resources.
Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition)
higher education of the Republic of Korea
university structure adjustment
assessment of universities
the Project of Financial Support restriction to the Universities of the Lower 15% of the As-sessment