
金融危机背景下英国大学学费与资助政策变革及启示 被引量:5

Reform and Enlightenment of British University Tuition and Financial Aid Policy Under the Background of Financial Crisis
摘要 在金融危机背景下,英国经济出现衰退,政府实行财政减缩政策,高等教育财政投入相应减少。政府进行大学学费和资助政策变革,提高大学学费,扩大贷款和补助额度,目的是在财政投入减少的情况下保证高等教育办学水平以及兼顾公平。改革的有关思想和措施值得我国学习、借鉴。 In the context of the financial crisis,with the British economic recession,government carried out fiscal reduction policy. So the higher education finance investment has been decreased accordingly. Government made university tuition and financial aid policy changed, increasing university tuition fees, expanding the amount of loans and subsidies, that aimed to assure the higher education teaching level and keep fairness at the case of financial investment decrease. The reform thoughts and measures are worth learning, using for reference.
作者 刘佳
出处 《高教论坛》 2012年第8期134-137,共4页 higher education forum
关键词 英国 大学学费 资助政策 Britain university tuition, funding policy
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