
Environmental Impact of Using Different Energy Sources for Family House Heating

Environmental Impact of Using Different Energy Sources for Family House Heating
摘要 Environmental impacts of using various sources of energy in heating a family house with 180 m2 of floor surface were compared by means of the SimaPro computer programme and attached to its databases, describing the environmental impacts of using typical materials and technologies. The set of compared heat energy sources comprised nine different sources. After normalisation (which meant recalculating the impacts into their proportions to the average impact of the kind, experienced by an average European in a year), weighting (which meant attaching arbitrary weights to three aggregate impact categories according to a methodology Eco-indicator 99 E/E) and summation of the weighted results expressed in so-called ecopoints, the coal combustion furnace turned out to have the greatest impact. It was followed by an electric stove and an oil burning furnace. The wood burning furnace and the heat pump had the smallest impact, almost equal in size. Results indicate that in case of renewable energy carriers like wood, straw and pellets, the total environmental hazard factor in 70% and more is derived from the respiratory harmful inorganic emissions. Extending the analysis by a LC assessment of equipment (boilers and pumps) might change the order of technologies.
出处 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第9期1408-1415,共8页 能源与动力工程(美国大卫英文)
关键词 Family house heating environmental impact SimaPro application Eco-indicator 99 E/E. 能源使用 环境 住宅供暖 家庭 计算机程序 生态指标 几乎相等 能源载体
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