对СЧ 2 0和СЧ2 5号铸铁制成的斜楔进行试验和金相学分析提供的结果表明 ,正确地选择斜楔铸铁牌号 (配方热处理方案 ) ,能够使摇枕斜面和侧架磨耗板磨耗量降低到原来的 ~ 。
The test and metallographical analysis are made for the wedge made of СЧ20 and СЧ25 cast iron.The result shows that correct selection of cast iron brand(with heat treatment scheme)for the wedge can reduce the wear of the wear plates on bolster slant and side frame to 1/3~1/2 of the original conditions,so as to ensure all the components of the damper on freight car bogie to work reliably in the regulated period.
Foreign Rolling Stock