
基于SPIN的系统建模研究 被引量:1

Research on System Modeling Based on SPIN
摘要 模型检测由于其自动化程度高,是形式化验证领域最受欢迎的验证方式之一。要使用模型检测器,首先要对要验证的系统进行建模。本文阐述模型检测技术的基本原理,并采用SPIN模型检测器对Promela建模进行研究。最后给出一个简单的公交车运行模型,并对实验结果进行分析。 Because of the high degree of automation, model checking technology has become one of the most popular way to en- sure correctness in the formal verification field. To use the model checker, the user should model the verification-needed system. This paper summarizes the basic principles of model checking technology and explores the Promela modeling with model checker SPIN. Finally, a simple bus operation prototype model is given, and the experimental results are analyzed.
作者 徐小丽
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2012年第9期209-214,共6页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 模型检测 建模 SPIN PROMELA model checking modeling SPIN Promela
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