

The Rise and Its Influences of Cities in Western Germany during the Period of Industrialization
摘要 工业化时期是德国西部地区城市化发展的关键时期。这一时期该地区城市的发展速度明显加快,产业结构日益优化,城市体系逐渐完善,城市类型也朝着多样化的趋势发展。西部城市的强势崛起不仅得益于工业化的高速发展、大规模的铁路建设以及农业生产率的提高等因素,而且也加快了工业化进程,促进了经济重心的西移,进而带动了西北地区港口城市的快速成长。 Industrialization is critical in the urbanization development of Rhine and Westphalia. During this period, the cities in Western Germany developed rapidly, the industrial structure optimized increasingly, the urban system improved gradually and the type of city began to diversify. The rise of Western cities benefited from the rapid development of industrialization, large - scale railway construction and the enhancement of agricutural productivity on the one hand, it accelerated the development of industrialization in depth, promoted the western movement of economic center and led to the rapid growth of port cities in Northwest on the other hand.
作者 徐继承
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期80-87,共8页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 德国 西部城市 工业化 城市化 Germany Western cities industrialization urbanization
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