
飞行器健康管理系统验证与评估技术研究 被引量:8

Research on verification and evaluation technologies of aircraft health management system
摘要 明确了飞行器健康管理系统(aircraft health management system,AHMS)验证与评估技术的研究意义,详细介绍了AHMS验证与评估技术的基本概念及相关定义,重点从验证与评估测试环境、指标体系、数据获取与实现途径等方面分析了AHMS验证与评估技术的国内外研究现状,总结了其研究难点和需要解决的问题。 The research significance on verification and evaluation technologies of aircraft health management system (AHMS) was pointed out. Then, the basic conceptions and definitions of AHMS verification and evaluation technologies were introduced. Furthermore, the current research status including test environment, metrics, data acquisition and specific realization of verification and evaluation technologies were analyzed. Lastly, the challenges and the developing trend were summarized.
出处 《电子测量技术》 2012年第8期1-10,共10页 Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 飞行器健康管理系统 验证 评估 指标 测试环境 aircraft health management system verification evaluation metric test environment
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