
学习障碍儿童自尊自我意识及时间管理倾向分析 被引量:2

Characteristic of self-esteem,self-concept and time management disposition of children with learning disorders
摘要 目的探讨学习障碍儿童的自尊水平、自我意识和时间管理倾向特征,为改善和矫治儿童学习障碍提供依据。方法采用对照研究,筛选安宁市某小学四、五年级的58名儿童作为学习障碍组,并随机选取与学习障碍儿童同年龄、同性别、同班级的非学习障碍儿童60名为对照组。采用自尊调查表、Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表和青少年时间管理倾向量表,对两组儿童进行测评。结果学习障碍组儿童自尊调查表得分低于对照组(P<0.05);在Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表中,学习障碍组儿童的总分和各分量表分均低于对照组(P值均<0.05);儿童自我意识量表中的焦虑因子与自尊呈负相关(P<0.05),行为、智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性、合群和幸福与满足因子与自尊均呈正相关(P值均<0.05);学习障碍组儿童时间管理倾向量表的总分与各维度分均低于对照组(P值均<0.05)。结论学习障碍儿童的自尊水平偏低,自我意识不良,自尊与自我意识密切相关;时间管理能力差。 Objective To explore the characteristics of self-esteem, self-concept and time management disposition of chil- dren with learning disorders C LD }. Methods The study adopted controlled design. Fifty-eight children from grade 4 and grade 5 of a primary school in city of Arming were assessed as LD with the Pupil Rating Scale Revised-Screening for Learning Disability ( PRS } and their learning records of main courses were taken as LD group. Sixty children were taken as control group respectively from the normal children who were matched in sex, age, grade and class with LD children randomly. The two groups were tested by Self-esteem Inventory { SEII , Children^s Self-concept Scale { PHCSS } and Adolescence Time Management Disposition Inventory I ATMD). Results The self-esteem of LD was lower than control group { P 〈 0.05 ). Compared the PHCSS between the two groups, the total score and all dimension scores of LD group were lower than control group { P 〈 0.05 ). Anxiety factor of PHCSS was negatively correlated with self-esteem. Behavior, intelligence and school situation, physical appearance and attributes, being gregarious and happy and satisfied factors of PHCSS were positively correlated with self-esteem. In ATMD, the total score and all dimension scores of LD group were lower than control group ( P 〈 0.05 }. Conclusion Children with LD have lower self-esteem and self-concept. Self-esteem of children with LD is correlated with their self-concept. The time managed capacity of children with LD is not good.
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第9期1080-1082,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 学习障碍 自我评价(心理学) 时间 组织和管理 儿童 Leaining disorders Self assessment ( psychology ) Time Organization and administration Child
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