
Keccak类非线性变换的差分性质研究 被引量:7

Research on differential properties of Keccak-like nonlinear transform
摘要 通过对Keccak中非线性环节的分析,提出了n元Keccak类非线性变换模型,研究了这类变换的差分性质。证明了对于n元Keccak类非线性变换,差分转移概率关于循环移位是不变的,当输入差确定时其非零差分转移概率都相等,给出了其差分转移概率不等于0和1时的取值范围;通过研究输出差的差分布尔函数表达式,得到了非平凡最大差分转移概率和非零最小差分转移概率的差分结构,给出了一种相邻变元Keccak类非线性变换间的差分传递概率相关性。 By analyzing the nonlinear transformation in Keccak,n-gram Keccak-like nonlinear transform model was proposed firstly,and the differential properties of this kind of transformation was studied.They are proved that to the n-gram Keccak-like nonlinear transform,the differential transition probability about cycle shift transform is unchanged,and nonzero differential transition probabilities are equal when the input difference was confirmed.The range of the dif-ferential transition probability was calculated when it wasn’t 0 and 1.By analyzing the Boolean expressions of the output difference,the differential construction for largest nontrivial and smallest nonzero differential transition probability were obtained.At the end,one correlation between the differential probabilities of adjacent variable in n-gram Keccak-like nonlinear transform was given.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期140-146,共7页 Journal on Communications
关键词 Keccak Keccak类非线性变换 杂凑算法 差分分析 Keccak Keccak-like nonlinear transform hash algorithm differential analysis
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