

Views on the Real Protagonist of Li Ling
摘要 在日本作家中岛敦的小说《李陵》中,出现了李陵、司马迁、苏武三个主要人物,针对上述三个人物究竟谁才是小说真正的主角,承担了传达作者写作使命这一问题,学界长期以来仁智不一。对此,笔者通过对中岛敦的作品进行整体分析,和认真比较《李陵》中的三个主要人物形象的关系,证实李陵才是作品真正的主角。 In the novel Li Ling by Japanese writer Nakajima Atsu, there appear three main characters: Li Ling, Sima Qian, and Su Wu. In view of these three figures, who is the real protagonist takes the mission of writing for the author to convey in the novel. Academia has long argued about the answer. To this, the author makes integral analysis of the works of Nakajima Atsu, and makes a comparison a- bout three main characters in Li Ling. Finally the paper confirms that Li ling is the real protagonist.
作者 于海鹏
出处 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2012年第9期109-110,共2页 Journal of Jilin Provincial Institute of Education
基金 浙江师范大学2009年"校级青年基金项目"课题研究成果 项目编号:SKQN200930 负责人:于海鹏
关键词 中岛敦 《李陵》价值观 主角 Nakajima Atsushi Li Ling values protagonist
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