
沼气与液化石油气热电联产试验对比研究 被引量:2

Comparative study on biogas and liquefied petroleum gas combined heat and power system
摘要 通过搭建小型实验平台,对基于燃气内燃机的热电联产系统在不同燃料下的机组性能和系统性能进行了探究。通过测得的发电功率和燃气流量计算出燃气发电机在不同负荷下的发电效率和燃烧功率,进而计算出不同燃料下热电联产系统的系统总效率并加以比较。试验结果表明,燃气内燃机组的发电效率和系统总效率随着电负荷的增大而增大;使用沼气作为燃料时,系统总效率最高可达到46.96%,高于使用液化石油气作为燃料时的系统总效率;用电负荷是影响系统各种效率的主要因素之一。 A small experimental platform is set up based on CHP system of the internal combustion engine in different fuels, in order to explore the unit performance and the system performance. The power generation efficiency and burning power are calculated by the measurement of power genera- tion and gas flow under different loads, and then the system total efficiency of CHP system are cal- culated and compared under different fuels. It is found that the power generation efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the system total efficiency increases with increasing the electrical load. The system total efficiency can reach 46.96% when biogas is used, higher than using LPG.. The electrical load is one of the main factors affecting the various efficiency.
出处 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第9期41-44,49,共5页 Renewable Energy Resources
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题项目(2008BADC4B05) 国家自然基金项目(2870234002) 上海市科委2009年科技发展基金项目(09391910700)
关键词 热电联产 燃气内燃机 沼气 液化石油气 combined heat and power internal combustion engine biogas liquefied petroleum gas
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