

Research on the Harm Mechanism and Dissolve Strategy of Brand Insecurity
摘要 品牌不安全感是指消费者对某品牌存在潜在或现实威胁的主观感知和担忧。以往文献中,与品牌不安全感有关的研究主要隐含在两个领域:一是以产品伤害危机为中心的品牌心智变化研究;二是以企业伦理责任为中心的品牌心智变化研究。但这两个领域都尚未揭示消费者品牌不安全感的实质、心理表征、危害机制和预警功能等。品牌不安全感是消费者回避或拒绝某品牌的心理根源之一。因此基于产品伤害事件频发的事实和品牌心智理论,有必要对品牌不安全感作系统研究,具体探索品牌不安全感的本质内涵、导致品牌不安全感的威胁源、品牌不安全感的心理表征、危害机制、预防和化解策略、以及品牌心理安全管理理论等问题。 Brand insecurity refers to consumer's subjective perception and worry about the potential and actual threat from brand. The previous literature identifies two areas concerned with brand insecurity research: they are the researches on brand mind change with the product-harm crisis and the corporate ethical responsibility. But two areas do not yet reveal the essence of the consumer's brand insecurity, its psychological representation, harm mechanism and warning function, etc. We think the brand insecurity is one of the psychological root of consumer to avoid or reject a brand. So based on the frequent events of product-harm crisis and the theory of brand mind, we suggest to do systematic research on the brand insecurity. This project will inquire issues, such as, the essence of brand insecurity, the sources of threat which bring about brand insecurity, its psychological representation, its harm mechanism, and the strategies to prevent and dissolve brand insecurity, as well as the research on the theory about brand psychological safety management. This project wants to make new progress in the research concerning the response strategies to the brand insecurity, and the theory of brand safety management.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1337-1346,共10页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(项目批准号:71171063,70971058) 广东省高等学校人才引进项目和广东外语外贸大学人才引进科研启动项目资助
关键词 品牌不安全感 品牌心智 品牌安全管理 危机化解 brand insecurity brand mind brand safety management deal with crisis
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