

The Implementation of AES Cipher Coprocessor Based on AHB Interface
摘要 AES加密算法是一种的常规加密算法,其被广泛应用在商业和政府部门。本文研究了AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)算法,包括AES的具体加密、解密过程以及基于AMBA(高级微控制器总线架构)总线的硬件实现方法。本文还介绍了一种用仿真与采用Xilinx公司的Virtex-4 LX100 FPGA器件来快速验证AES算法硬件IP核的方法。 The AES is a routine symmetric block encryption standard, it is extensively used in both commercial and government sectors. This paper presents the study of AES algorithm, including the eneryption/decryption process of AES algorithm in detail and the hardware implementation based on AMBA. This paper also introduces a useful verification methodology for both HDL simulation and FPGA implementation of the hardware AES IP core using one Virtex-4 LXIO0 FPGA from Xilinx
出处 《中国集成电路》 2012年第9期34-39,共6页 China lntegrated Circuit
关键词 数据加密 AES S盒 硬件实现 Data encryption AES, S-box Hardware Implementation
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