
孤独的歌者:Whitman诗歌同性恋主题探微——基于In Paths Untrodden个案研究

Solitary Singer:Homosexual Topic in Whitman W's Poems(a Case Study on In Paths Untrodden)
摘要 性和性爱是Whitman诗歌的一个主要且重要的主题。在饱受争议的组诗Calamus中,诗人大胆地将这一主题磊落铺陈。In Paths Untrodden是Calamus的序诗,对理解整首组诗具有至关重要的意义。文章借鉴性别研究理论,结合诗人的时代背景、诗学理念和人生经历,对InPaths Untrodden这首诗进行个案研究,尽量还原、复活诗人当时的创作意图,重新理解、深入解读Whitman的这些性诗,领略诗人在19世纪的历史环境下用模糊暧昧的意象和迂回隐约的暗示来表达自己真情实感和思想的策略与技巧。Whitman从隐藏、变形到尽量体现自己原来的创作意图,这一系列变化反映了时代变迁下性观念的改变,以及对同性恋现象和行为的理解、接受和宽容。 Sex and sexual love are the major and important topic in Whitman W' s poetry creation. The poet boldly proclaimed the topic in Calamus, the most controversial poems of Whitman. Being the opening poem, In Paths Untrodden plays an crucial part in the comprehension of the whole poems. In light of sexual theories, this paper deliberately combeds the historical background, the poetic theory and life experience, conducts a case study on this opening poem from the prospect of cognitive psychology, to recover the initial purpose, to reconsider and comprehend deeply the poems with sexual topic, and to appreciate the tactics and skills of expressing the true feeling through the fuzzy and ambiguous images and indirect hint. The fact reflects the change of attitude to- ward the notion of sex, understanding, acceptance and tolerance for homosexuality.
作者 赵诚
出处 《襄樊学院学报》 2012年第6期57-61,共5页 Journal of Xiangfan University
基金 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目(09SJD740020)
关键词 作品分析 同性恋 WHITMAN W In PATHS Untrodden Analysis on works Homosexuality Whitman W In Paths Untrodden
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