
国际法体系下南极生物勘探的法律规制研究 被引量:9

A Study on the Legal Regulation of Antarctic Bioprospecting under the System of International Law
摘要 南极生物遗传资源具有极大的经济和应用价值,各国积极开展南极生物勘探活动和激烈的资源争夺。发达国家和发展中国家在南极遗传资源的法律属性、利用与保护等问题上持有不同的政治立场,并展开了激烈的国际争论。国际上并无专门的关于南极生物勘探及其遗传资源的法律文件,现有的国际法律制度对此均有所涉及,但在适用上具有一定的局限性。所以南极生物勘探及其遗传资源相关问题的解决不是一个国际文件就可解决的复杂问题,因此须扩展适用区域制度和公海自由原则,发挥联合国的宏观作用,扩展全球公共利益的范围,广泛应用人类共同遗产原则,并在国际法和南极条约体系的协调和融合下寻求解决的方法。 Because biological genetic resources in the Antarctic are of great economic value, countries in the world are initiating Antarctic bioprospecting activities and in intense competition for resources. Developed countries and developing countries hold different political stances on the issues of the legal proper- ty of the Antarctic genetic resources, utilization and protection and so on. They also have fierce debate o- ver the issues. There is no international specialized legal documents concerning Antarctic bioprospecting of genetic resources. The existing international legal system concerns this, but with certain limitations in its application. Solutions to the problems of Antarctic bioprospecting and the genetic resources are complex and cannot be resolved by one international document. Therefore, we should apply regional system, the principles of freedom of the seas and common heritage of mankind, play a macro role of the United Na- tions, expand the scope of the global public interests, and coordinate and integrate the international legal system and the Antarctic Treaty System.
作者 刘惠荣 刘秀
出处 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第4期9-14,共6页 Journal of Ocean University of China(Social Sciences)
关键词 南极生物勘探 生物遗传资源 “区域”制度 公海自由原则 Antarctic bioprospecting biological genetic resources regional system The Principle of Freedom of the Seas
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