针对国内液压机设计的落后现状 ,开发了一套以专家系统为支撑、以现代设计理论和方法为手段、以AutoCAD为绘图平台的液压机本体设计CAD系统YYJCAD1 .0。YYJCAD1 .0包括本体设计专家系统YYJES1 .0、本体离散优化软件YKJU3 .0和本体参数化绘图软件三大模块。该系统为实现液压机本体设计智能化和现代化奠定了基础。
Aimed at improvement of domestic design level of hydraulic press, YYJCAD1.0 CAD system of hydraulic press noumenon has been developed which is supported by expert system, modern design theory and method of AutoCAD and is composed of three modules of noumenon design expert system YYJES1.0 and noumenon discrete optimization software YKJU3.0 and noumenon parametrization drawing software. The system has laid the foundation of intelligence and modernization of hydraulic press design.
Metalforming Machinery