

摘要 背景在研究小鼠神经毒性的试验中,我们发现,7日龄小鼠的异氟醚最小肺泡有效浓度(minimumalveolaranestheticconcentration,MAC)随着麻醉时间的延长而降低,这种现象并没有发生在60日龄小鼠中。7日龄小鼠麻醉后15分钟,MAC为3.5%,而4小时为1.3%。为此我们研究是否药代学或药动学因素对MAC的降低有影响。方法在7日龄小鼠中,我们以MAC作为持续麻醉时间的参数,测量肺泡和脑异氟醚分压。在60曰龄小鼠中,我们以MAC作为持续麻醉时间的参数,测量肺泡异氟醚分压。最后,我们给予1mg&g的纳洛酮和延迟尾部钳夹刺激对7日龄小鼠以确定MAC的影响。结果在7日龄小鼠麻醉后的1—4小时中,肺泡和脑的MAC值降低。肺泡MAC降低56%,而脑MAC降低33%,在4小时时,肺泡MAC值接近脑MAC值(分压无明显不同)。给予1mg/kg的纳洛酮并在3小时后开始尾部钳夹刺激,两者均不能逆转MAC的降低。60日龄小鼠肺泡异氟醚的MAC,在1—4小时麻醉过程中保持稳定。结论7日龄小鼠麻醉1—4小时后异氟醚MAC降低,但是这种现象并没有出现在60日龄小鼠。药效学和药动学因素共同导致了7日龄小鼠MAC的降低。内源性阿片肽与脱敏作用均不能调节药动学过程。 BACKGROUND: While studying neurotoxicity in rats, we observed that the anesthetic minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC) of isoflurane decreases with increasing duration of anesthesia in 7-day-old but not in 60-day- old rats. After 15 min of anesthesia in 7-day-old rats, MAC was 3.5% compared with 1.3% at 4 h. We investigated whether kinetic or dynamic factors mediated this decrease. METHODS: In 7-day-old rats, we measured inspired and cerebral partial pressures of isoflurane at MAC as a function of duration of anesthesia. In 60-day-old rats, we measured inspired partial pressures of isoflurane at MAC as a function of duration of anesthesia. Finally, we determined the effect of administering 1 mg/kg naloxone and of delaying the initiation of the MAC determination (pinching the tail) on MAC in 7-day-old rats. RESULTS: In 7-day-old rats, both inspired and cerebral measures of MAC decreased from 1 to 4 h. The inspired MAC decreased 56%, whereas the cerebral MAC decreased 33%. At 4 h, the inspired MAC approximated the cerebral MAC (i. e., the partial pressures did not differ appreciably). Neither administration of 1 mg/kg naloxone nor delaying tail damping until 3 h reversed the decrease in MAC. In 60-day-old rats, inspired MAC of isoflurane was stable from 1 to 4 h of anesthesia. CONCLUSIONS: MAC of isoflurane decreases over 1 - 4 h of anesthesia in 7-day-old but not in 60-day-old rats. Both pharmacodynamic and a pharmacokinetic components contribute to the decrease in MAC in 7-day-old rats. Neither endorphins nor sensory desensitization mediate the pharmacodynamic component.
出处 《麻醉与镇痛》 2012年第4期7-12,共6页 Anesthesia & Analgesia
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