为了给身处异地的用户提供一个相互通信、联络感情的平台,以增进同学之间的联系,设计了基于ASP.NET技术的同学录系统。系统采用B/S结构,以ASP.NET作为WEB服务器端的开发环境,后台数据库采用SQLServer 2000,利用ADO技术实现对数据库的连接和操作。该软件分为两大模块:用户模块和管理员模块,用户模块实现会员注册、用户资料修改、在线留言、照片发布、同学资料查询等功能;管理员模块为管理员提供了同学录资料管理、用户信息管理、留言管理、相册信息管理等功能。
In order to provide an efficient platform for exchanging information and keeping friendships among remote users, this paper raises designs of an ASP. NET-based alumni system. The system adopts B/S systematic structure. The de- velopment environment of WEB server end adopts ASP, and the backstage uses the SQL Server 2000 database. The connection and operation are realized through ADO technology. The software fails into two modules: the user module and ad- ministrator module. The user module provides users with functions of membership register, user information revision, online message, photo publishing, classmate information inquiry etc. In the administrator module, the administrator can manage classmate alumni information, user information, message and photo album.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication