
新疆圆柏叶挥发油化学成分变化的研究 被引量:5

Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Leaves of Sabina vulgaris Ant
摘要 采用水蒸气蒸馏法和气相色谱-质谱联用技术,对新疆圆柏(Sabina vulgaris Ant.)鲜叶和贮存1年的干燥叶中的挥发油化学成分进行检测,鲜叶中的成分鉴定了31种,干叶中的成分鉴定了23种,共有成分15种。与鲜叶比较,干叶中含量减少的成分是:2,7-二甲基-3-辛烯-5-炔(51.88%,15.29%,前者为鲜叶中的量,后者为干叶中的量,下同)、1-柠檬烯(1.65%,1.13%)、α-异松油烯(0.92%,0.58%)、3,7-二甲基-甲基酯-2,6-辛二烯酸(2.88%,0.50%)、α-长叶蒎烯(1.91%,1.46%)、α-雪松醇(12.69%,10.81%),含量增加的成分是:β-侧柏酮(1.01%,1.98%)、4-甲基-1-(1-甲基乙基)-3-环己烯-1-醇(0.22%,2.83%)、β-香茅醇(0.22%,10.83%)、乙酸香桧酯(4.37%,39.83%),新疆圆柏鲜叶和干叶中的挥发性成分及其含量差异甚大,但是特征成分种类基本一致,随着叶的干燥贮存时间的延长,其挥发性成分及其含量在逐渐减少。 The volatile composition from fresh leaves and dry leaves of Juniperus sabina L. storaged for one year were analyzed by steam distillation and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). 31 compounds from fresh leaves were indentified, and 23 compounds from dry leaves were indentified. The same composition between fresh leaves and dried leaves were 15 kinds. The compounds of contents decreased were (E) 2, 7-dimethyl-3-octen-5-yne ( 51.88 % , 15.29 % ) , limonene ( 1.65 % , 1.13 % ) , ^-terpinolene (0.92 % , 0.58 % ), 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienoicacid methyl ester ( 2.88 % , O. 50 % ) , ^-longip- inene ( 1.91%, 1.46 % ), c^-cedrol( 12.69 %, 10.81% ). The compounds of contents increased were/3-thujone ( 1.01%, 1.98 % ), 4-methyl-l-( 1-methyl ethyl) -3-cyclohexen-l-ol ( 0.22 % , 2.83 % ), /3-citronellol ( 0.22 %, 10.83 % ), sabinyl acetate(4.37 %, 39.83 % ). The difference of heterogeneous were significantly. The difference of volatile composition from the fresh leaves and dry leaves of Juniperus sabina L. were distinct, but characteristic compounds were the same. The compound kinds and contents of volatile oil gradually decrease with storage time extended.
作者 田旭平 高莉
出处 《林产化学与工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期123-127,共5页 Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products
基金 山西农业大学校科技创新基金项目(2006011)
关键词 新疆圆柏 挥发油 气相色谱-质谱分析 Juniperus sabina L. volatile oil GC/MS analysis
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