自1997年京都议定书生效后,全球气候变暖和温室气体排放问题引起了业界越来越多的关注。2013年1月1日以后,船舶能效设计指数(Energy Efficiency Design Index,简称EEDI)将正式生效,这是第一个专门针对国际海运温室气体减排的强制性法律文件。这一强制性文件的生效无疑将对国际海运界,特别是对我国航运界带来革命性的影响。本文从EEDI诞生的历史、EEDI公式解析、EEDI计算、EEDI认证过程及EEDI公式实船应用和设计考虑等方面略作浅显的分析。
Since Kyoto Protocoal came into force on 1997, the problem of globe warming and effect of green house gas emission have been paid more attention by international society. The marine shipping is the most energy efficient transporting method; however international society insists on seeking the way to reduce CO2 emissions to environment. After Jan. 1st 2013 ; new EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) regulations will be mandatory valid for the new constructed ships. This is the first mandatory laws to regulate the CO2 air emission. And no doubt it will bring the revolutionary changes to the shipping industry. This article mainly emphasis on history of EEDI, EEDI Formula explanations, EEDI Calculations and EEDI real ship calculations examples and design aspects related to EEDI to be concerned.