叙述基于VirtuoZo NT系统进行DEM制作。通过制作特征点文件,在DEM Maker模块中引入特征文件,采用在立体模型下交互式作业方式对特征母线文件进行修测和检核并生成DEM,对生成的DEM与DOM叠加生成三维场景和特征匹配等方法,对DEM精度进行检核。
DEM will be produced based on the VirtuoZo NT systems. The bus files is repairing and checking under the DEM Make. by using interactive operation through the introduction of bus files, The DEM also will be checking under the module of Superposition of Orthophoto and contour insuring DEM fitting with the actual ground level.
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying