

A New SHA-1 System to Resist Modular Differential Attack
摘要 消息修改技术和模减差分攻击方法对SHA-1构成严重安全性威胁。基于SHA-1存在无法抵抗模减差分攻击的安全性缺陷,提出一种对SHA-1的改进算法。该算法有效地增加了运用消息修改技术的困难,并且得到良好的差分扩散特性。由于改进Hash算法只改动了步函数,仅增加了一个加法和循环移位,没有改变信息填充方式和消息摘要长度,容易实现原有基于SHA-1的软硬件产品的升级。经证明并通过算法实现,得出改进SHA-1与标准SHA-1的效率相当。 News modify technique and method of modular differential attack pose a serious security threat to SHA-1. Based on the fact that SHA - 1 security defects cannot resist modular differential attack, an im- provement algorithm of SHA-1 is proposed. This algorithm can effectively increase difficulties using news modify, and get good differential diffusion characteristic. Due to improved SHA-1 merely changed step function, only added a addition and cycle shift, did not change the filled information and digest length, therefore easy to implement to update original hardware and software based on SHA-1. Efficiency is alike between improved SHA-1 and standard SHA-1 through proving and realizing.
出处 《北京电子科技学院学报》 2012年第2期43-49,共7页 Journal of Beijing Electronic Science And Technology Institute
关键词 SHA-1 消息修改 模减差分 局部碰撞 SHA-1 news modify modular differential local collision
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