
0~3岁儿童发育迟缓监测研究 被引量:8

Monitoring of Developmental Delay in 0~3 Years Old Children
摘要 目的探索0~3岁儿童发育迟缓监测预防的有效性及数据直报的可行性。方法采用整群抽样的方法,在北京市五个区县22个社区对20907名0~3岁儿童进行为期1年的发育监测,采用问卷、信息报表方式收集相关数据,并与非项目社区监测结果进行比较分析。结果社区儿童发育迟缓筛查率62.18%,0岁组筛查率明显高于1岁组、2岁组,三个年龄组筛查率明显高于非项目社区筛查率。筛查阳性儿童268人,转诊253名儿童,转诊率为94.4%;诊断发育迟缓儿童97名,发育迟缓现患率为7.46‰;43.28%的评估儿童接受干预与康复训练。结论 0~3岁儿童发育迟缓监测方法可以提供监测的有效性,并在数据直报方面具有可行性和有效性。 Objective To explore the effectiveness of monitoring for developmental delay (DD) and the feasibility of firsthand data re- porting among 0-3 years old children. Methods A study population consisted of a cluster sample of 20907 children aged 0-3 years, from 22 communities in 5 districts in Beijing, was monitored for 1 year using questionnaires and data reports. The results were compared against the non-project communities. Results The screening rate of DD was 62.18%, higher than the non-project groups, and the rate of 0 year old group was significantly higher than the other groups. 268 children were positive screening, referral of 253 children, the referral rate was 94.4%; 97 children were diagnosed as DD with the prevalence rate of 7.46 %o; 43.28% of the children received intervention and rehabilitation training. Conclusion The surveillance means of DD for 0-3-year-old children are effective and the firsthand data report is feasible.
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期748-751,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
基金 北京市优秀人才培养项目(20081A031000086)
关键词 儿童发育迟缓 发育监测 数据直报 developmental delay growth monitoring firsthand data reporting
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