目的评价亚砷酸(ATO)的两种给药方法在治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APL)中的疗效及不良反应。方法观察分别应用ATO两种给药方法治疗的APL 80例,试验组40例,按0.16mg/kg计算每例患者ATO的日治疗总量,加入5%的葡萄糖液500ml稀释,缓慢静脉滴注,约8h完成;对照组40例,按常规给药0.16mg/kg计算ATO日治疗总量,每日用药1次,2h完成。分别观察两组患者不同时间点的不良反应。结果连续用药28d,试验组总有效率为92.5%,对照组为75%。患者达到完全缓解的时间分别为(28.2±2.5)d和(34.4±4.5)d。结论缓慢静脉给药不良反应轻,并可缩短APL的完全缓解的时间,提高缓解率。
Objective To assess the effectiveness and security of two arsenic trioxide (ATO) ad- ministration methods in treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Methods Forty APL cases were treated with ATO with the total daily dosage of 0.16 mg/kg that was given by intravenous infusion with 8 hours. Another forty sex and age matched APL cases were treated with ATO with the same total daily dosage of 0.16 mg/kg given according to the routine method:infused intravenously once a day with 2 hours. The remission rate and side effects were observed. Results The remission rate was 92.5 % in the patients treated by the new method, and was 75 % in the patients treated by the routine method 28 days after the treatment. The average time from the initiation of treatment to complete remission .(CR) in the new method group was 28.2±2.5 days, and was 34.4 ±4.5 days in the routine method group. No late liver functional lesion and bone marrow depression was found in the two groups during the treat- ment. Conclusions The slowing intravenous infusion method relieves the side effects of ATO treatment, increases the CR rate in treatment of APL.
Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
Arsenic trioxide(ATO)
Acute promyelocytic leukemia
Slowing intravenous