
媒介交互视野中的比较新闻学研究——从《中俄现代新闻理论比较》谈起 被引量:3

Comparative Journalism in the Inter-medium Field of Vision: a Comparative Study of the Modern Chinese and Russian Theories of Journalism
摘要 现代新闻学比较研究在我国学界开展得比较晚,关注的焦点在于中西方新闻学理论与方法比较。进入新世纪之后,学者们开始转向中日、中欧等相关国家与地区新闻传播的比较研究。如果从媒介交互视野中考证比较新闻学,在中国可追溯到孔子编撰的《春秋》,并在历代王朝的媒介中交互相传。到了晚清时代,随着西方报刊媒介传入中国,中外媒介产生剧烈交互,激发了中国资产阶级办报高潮,为辛亥革命的胜利奠定了民主舆论基础。新中国成立初年,中国媒介深受苏联媒介思想影响,直到中苏外交关系破裂而止。改革开放后,在中外文化交流中出现了新的语境,媒介的学习与互补进入到了新的交互阶段。中俄"比较新闻学"应运而生,弥补了比较新闻学学科建设中的一个缺憾。《中俄现代新闻理论比较》中许多新论新说,丰富了媒介交互视野下的比较新闻学理论。 The comparative study of modern journalism has developed late in China, focusing on comparative research on theory and methodology of the Chinese and western countries. At the turn of the century, scholars steered their attention to Sino Japan, Sino Europe and regional journalism and communication. If we do textual researches on the comparative journalism from the study of comparative journalism in the inter medium field of vision, it can be dated back to Confucius' Spring and Autumn in China, which has been passed on from one dynasty to another. To the late of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese and Western journalism and communication had interacted strongly with the introduction of western journalism into China, which stimulated the climax of running newspapers by the old Chinese bourgeoisie. The above sets up the public basis for the success of the Xinhai Revolution. At the beginning years of the People's Republic of China, Chinese journalism and communication had bcen influenced by the journalism thoughts of the Soviet Union, which has been kept on till the broken relationship of Sino Russia. The Chinese and foreign intermediary has taken new context since the reforming and opening period came. The study and eomplimentary stage comes interactively in this field. The comparative study of the Chinese and Russian journalism emcrges as the times require, which makes up for the regret of the construction of the comparative study of journalism. The ncw theories in A Comparative Study of Chinese and Russian Modern Theories of Journalism enrich the theories of the study of comparative journalism in the inter mcdium field of vision.
作者 王振铎
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期152-158,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 比较新闻学 媒介交互 中俄新闻理论 比较研究 comparative journalism medium interaction the Chinese and Russian theories of journalism comparative study
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  • 1英国牛津大学理查德·道金斯1976年出版的《自私的基因》.











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