Objective After trabeculectomy, filling sclera under the disc and under the conjunetiva with viscoelastic sub- stance to reduce adhesion sclera between disc and conjunctival between sclera before their biological degradation and absorption, hoping that reducing package of filtering blebs and controlling intraocular pressure well after trabecnlectomy, its efi%acy and safety will be observed. Methods 92 eyes of 78 patients who are ready for trabeculectomy are randomly divided into control group and treatment group with 46 eyes in each group. In control group, patients are only operated conventional trabeculectomy, but in treat- ment group, after conventional trabeculectomy, filling sclera under the disc and under the conjunctiva with viscoelastic substance and observing that the condition of filtering bleb, intraocular pressure, inflammatory responses and other complications after treat- ment. Results No matter in control group or treatment group, the intraocnlar pressure of patients are controlled well. Between the two groups, it doesn't appear significant differences on corneal edema, shallow anterior chamber aqueous leakage, infections and other complications. But 1 year after operation, in control group, 11 eyes occurs package of filtering bleb and increased in- traocular pressure with different degree, while in treatment group 5 eyes occurs package of filtering bleb and increased intraocular pressure with different degree and it has significant differences between these two groups. Conclusion After trabeculectomy, u- sing viscoelastic substance to fill sclera under the disc and under the conjunctiva can reduce the adhesion sclera between disc and conjunctival between sclera, suppress the package of filtering bleb and control intraocular pressure well.
Sichuan Medical Journal