
RANTES对肥大细胞Toll样受体4表达的作用 被引量:1

Effect of RANTES on toll-like receptor 4 expression in mast cells
摘要 目的探讨趋化因子T细胞激活分泌调节因子(RANTES)对肥大细胞Toll样受体4(TLR4)表达的调节作用。方法将小鼠肥大细胞P815分为:RANTES 0.1、1.0、10、100ng/ml处理组(分别为A1、A2、A3、A4组)、RANTES 100ng/ml+RANTES阻断抗体10、30μg/ml组(分别为B1、B2组)以及空白对照组(C组)。作用2、6、16h后,采用流式细胞术、免疫荧光、RT-PCR检测肥大细胞上TLR4的表达情况。结果与C组相比,RANTES呈剂量依赖性地上调P815细胞中TLR4mRNA和蛋白表达(P<0.05),而B1、B2组能明显抑制该上调过程(P<0.05)。结论 RANTES上调P815细胞中TLR4的表达,从而加重过敏反应。 Objective To investigate the effect of regulated on activation,nomal T cell expressed and secreted(RANTES) on toll-like receptor 4(TLR4) expression in mast cells.MethodsThe mouse P815 mast cells were divided into seven groups of A1(RANTES 0.1 ng/ml),A2(RANTES 1.0 ng/ml),A3(RANTES 10 ng/ml),A4(RANTES 100 ng/ml),B1(RANTES 100 ng/ml plus RANTES blocking antibody 10 μg/ml),B2(RANTES 100 ng/ml plus RANTES blocking antibody 30 μg/ml) and C(blank control).After 2,6 and 16 h,TLR4 expression in mast cells was detected by flow cytometry,immunofluorescence and RT-PCR.Results Compared with group C,RANTES up-regulated the mRNA and protein expressions of TLR4 in mast cells in a dose-dependent manner(P〈0.05),which was significantly inhibited in groups of B1 and B2(P〈0.05).ConclusionRANTES may aggravate allergic response via up-regulating TLR4 expression in P815 cells.
出处 《江苏医药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第16期1866-1868,F0002,共4页 Jiangsu Medical Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(30972714 30972822 81001329 81172836 81030054) 江苏省"科技兴卫工程"医学重点学科开放课题(XK12 200901)
关键词 TOLL样受体4 T细胞激活分泌调节因子 肥大细胞 Toll-like receptor 4; Regulated on activation,nomal T cell expressed and secreted; Mast cells
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