
256层螺旋CT肾动脉成像的三维解剖学 被引量:2

Three-dimensional anatomic evaluation of renal arteries with 256-slice spiral CT angiography
摘要 目的:探讨256层螺旋CT对肾动脉的显示能力,研究肾动脉的三维影像学解剖。方法:对106例无肾相关疾病的患者行256层螺旋CT肾动脉造影检查,薄层获得原始图像,后处理使用容积再现(VR)、3D最大密度投影(3D-MIP)、薄层滑块最大密度投影(STS-MIP)、多平面重建(MPR)、曲面重建(CPR)等重建技术,分析。肾动脉的空间解剖特征,比较不同重建技术对肾动脉的显示,特别是变异血管的显示。结果:106例均能清晰显示肾动脉的位置、起源、走向、分支及变异情况。共检出血管正常患者53例,左侧副肾动脉共21例,右侧副肾动脉16例,双侧副肾动脉9例,肾动脉过早分支7例。结论:256层CT血管造影三维成像能很好地显示肾动脉解剖学特征,为临床诊断和治疗提供依据。 Objective:To investigate the technique of 256-slice spiral CT angiography (CTA) in displaying renal artery and to investigate the imaging anatomy of renal arteries. Methods: 106 volunteers without related renal disease underwent thin-section enhanced 256-slice spiral CT scan of the kidney. Image post-processing was taken with volume rendering (VR), 3D maximum intensity projection (3D-MIP), slip-thin-slab maximum intensity projection (STS-MIP), multi-planar reconstruc- tion (MPR), and curved planar reformation (CPR). Results: In all 106 cases, 256-slice spiral CTA clearly displayed the location, origin, diameter, direction, distribution and variation of renal arteries. It showed 53 normal cases, 21 cases with left accessory renal artery, 16 cases with right accessory renal artery, 9 cases with bilateral accessory renal artery and 7 early renal artery branches. Conclusion: 256-slice spiral CT 3D reconstruction can clearly visualize the anatomical features of the renal arteries, and can offer useful data for clinical diagnosis and therapy.
出处 《解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期489-492,共4页 Chinese Journal of Anatomy
关键词 肾动脉 256层CT 体层摄影技术 X线计算机 解剖学 renal artery 256-slice CT tomography X-ray computer anatomy
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