
锥形束CT对牙根外吸收早期诊断价值的探讨 被引量:6

Cone Beam CT for Diagnosis of Early Root Resorption
摘要 目的:探讨锥形束CT(cone beam CT,CBCT)在牙根外吸收早期诊断中的临床应用价值。方法:对50例牙根外吸收的患者应用CBCT和数字化根尖片检查,对患牙在牙槽骨中的近远中向、颊舌向病损情况进行对比分析。由3名影像学专家采用双盲法对不同方法产生的图像质量进行评价,采用5阶法行ROC曲线解析。结果:50例应用CBCT检查得到的图像可准确显示近远中向、颊舌向的牙根外吸收情况;而数字化根尖片只可显示近远中情况,不能准确判断牙根外吸收颊舌向情况。CBCT图像的ROC曲线解析参数(Az=0.90),大于数字化根尖片的解析参数(Az=0.69)。结论:CBCT有利于牙根外吸收的早期诊断。 Objective: To evaluate the clinical application of CT (cone beam CT, CBCT) in the preparatory diagnosis of root resorption. Methods: Examining the roots of 50 patients by CBCT and periapical digital check; analyzing the cases of teeth in the alveolar bone in the near and far, buccolingual lesions. The image qualities obtained by different methods were identified by double--blind method from 3 imaging experts. 5--step method nonlinear TOX curve was developed in data--analyzing. Results: The examination of alveolar bone in the near and far, buccolingual lesions by CBCT in 50 cases was effective to diagnose root resorption. The digital periapical check could show the cases in buccolingual lesions, but could not given the determination. The parameter of ROC curve from CBCT image (Az = 0.90), which is greater than the parameters got in resolution of digital periapical films (Az = 0.69). Conclusion: CBCT is available in the pre--diagnosis of root resorption.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 2012年第9期941-943,947,共4页 Journal of Oral Science Research
关键词 锥形束CT 数字化根尖片 牙根外吸收 诊断 Cone--beam computed tomography Periapical digital check Root resorption Diagnosis
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