
Z字松解术治疗先天性束带综合征21例体会 被引量:1

Experience of Z-release Surgery for the Treatment of 21 Patients with Congenital Constriction BandSyndrome
摘要 【目的】探讨先天性束带综合征的临床特点、手术治疗方法与临床疗效。【方,&]e005年lO月至2011年8月共收治先天性束带综合征患者2l例,共有束带38处。全部采用环状束带z字松解手术,其中31处完全性束带分二期手术治疗。术后观察肢体远端血液循环情况、记录束带有无复发。【结果】全部病例获得随访,平均随访36.6(8~58)个月。术后切口均一期愈合,束带远端肢体血运良好,肢体肿胀情况明显减轻或消失,全部病例畸形矫正彻底,随访期内无束带畸形复发。【结论】采用z字松解手术治疗先天性束带综合征手术方法简单可靠,术后效果满意,对完全性束带分二期手术治疗,可避免发生束带远端肢体血运障碍的风险。 [Objective]To explore the clinical features~ surgical methods and efficacy of congenital constriction band syndrome(CCBS). [Methods]Twenty-one patients with CCBS(38 bands) from Oct. 2005 to Aug. 2011 were admitted. Z-release surgery was performed on all patients, in which 31 complete circumferential constriction bands underwent two-stage correction. Blood circulation of distal limbs was observed after operation. The recurrence of circumferential constriction bands was recorded. [Results]All patients were followed up for 8~58 months(mean 36.6 months). The incision after operation had one-stage healing. Blood flow of distal limbs with circumferential constriction bands was good. The swelling of limb was alleviated obviously or disappeared. The deformity of all patients was corrected completely. No recurrence of band deformity was found during follow up. [Conclusion] release surgery for the treatment of CCBS is simple and reliable, and the postoperative efficacy is satisfactory. Two-stage operation should be performed for complete circumferential constriction bands so as to avoid the risk of blood flow disorder of distal limbs with circumferential constriction bands.
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2012年第8期1469-1471,共3页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 综合征 Syndrome
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