采用烟草青枯病t1菌株对K730、红花大金元等品种分别作不同接种方法、不同菌量、不同重复和不同生育期接种试验以及与黄瓜花叶病 (CMV)交叉接种试验。结果表明 ,对烟草青枯病的抗性 ,烟草旺长初期采用切根灌菌液接种与病区田间自然鉴定结果之间呈极显著正相关 (R =0 9784 ) ,接种浓度以 10 8cfu/ml为宜。不同抗感品种在田间不同重复鉴定中均表现不同程度的抗幅波动 ,但都有一个相对稳定的抗性水平。根据不同生育期与t1菌株的相互作用 ,参试 10个品种可以分为全期中抗型、苗感成株期中抗型和全期感病型 3类。烟株生长初期感染黄瓜花叶病(CMV)后青枯病明显减轻 ,干扰了烟草品种对该病的抗性表达水平。查明了上述影响因素后 。
Inoculating tobacco varieties K730,Honghuadajinyuan et al Pseudomonas solanacearum t1 with different inoculation approaches,concentrations,replications,growing stages and cross inoculating CMV were studied.The results showed that at the early vigorous growing stage,irrigating bacterial liquid by cutting roots and natural identification in disease field were highly positively correlated(R=0 9784),the suitable inoculation concentration was 10 8cfu/ml.The tested varieties showed different resistance degree in different replications,but had one stable resistant level relatively.According to the interaction of different growing stages and t1,10 varieties could be divided into 3 types:medium resistance in whole growing season,susceptibility in seedling stage but medium resistance in adult period and susceptibility in whole growing season.In early growing stage,infecting CMV and bacterial wilt could decrease tobacco wilt obviously,but interfered the expressiveness of the disease resistance.In according with above results,one standard variety identification model could be composed.
Chinese Tobacco Science