目的通过测试以CME-1颈肌训练器训练教练机飞行员颈部各肌群的强度,探讨了颈肌训练的方法和效果,为制定提高飞行员颈肌力量和减少颈部损伤的训练方法提供参考依据。方法采用CME-1飞行员颈肌训练器对22例教练机飞行员(其中初教机和高教机各11例)进行每周3次,连续3周共9次的颈部各肌群(前屈、后伸、左侧屈、右侧屈)的强度训练,第1、3、4、6、7、9次采用等长训练模式,第2、5、8次可变阻力和可变速度训练模式,记录第1、6、9次训练后的颈肌前、后、左、右运动时,各肌群的强度及10 s最大冲量。结果 (1)训练1次和9次后,初教机组和高教机组各方向运动时,颈肌强度和10 s最大冲量之间均差异无显著性(P>0.05)。(2)训练6和9次后,各肌群的颈肌强度和10 s最大冲量较训练1次均有显著提高(P<0.05);训练9次后,颈部前屈、后伸、左侧屈、右侧屈各肌群的强度与训练1次比较,分别增长了38.9%、35.5%、60.6%和48.8%(P<0.05);10 s最大冲量与训练1次比较,分别增长了46.1%、40.0%、47.9%和48.9%(P<0.05)。结论 CME-1飞行员颈肌训练器对提高教练机飞行员的颈肌强度有较好的作用。
Objective To test the strength of neck muscles in trainer pilots by using CME-1 Neck Muscle Training Machine and to study the method and effects of strength training, thus to provide the basis for working out a training scheme to improve neck muscle strength and to reduce neck injuries. Methods Twenty-two trainer pilots, includ- ing 11 primary trainer pilots and 11 advanced trainer pilots received strength training in neck muscles for 9 times in 3 weeks by using CME-1 Neck Muscle Training Machine. Isometric exercise was performed at the 1^st, 3^rd, 4^th, 6^th, 7^th, and 9^th time of training, while changeable velocity and resistant (CVR) exercise at the 2^nd, 5^th, and 8^th time. Results (1)The neck muscle strength, and the peak impulse in 10 seconds of extension, flexion, left and right lateral flexion of the neck muscles showed no difference between the primary trainer pilots and the advanced trainer pilots after the 9th time training ( P 〉 0.05). (2) The neck muscle strength and the peak impulse in 10 seconds of all directions of the neck muscles in all military pilots at the 6th and 9th time of training were higher than those at the 1 st time ( P 〈 0.05) ; The ncek muscle strength of the four mentioned directions after the 9th time training was 38.9 %, 35.5 %, 60.6 %, and 48. 8% more respectively than the first time ( P 〈0. 05). The peak pulse in 10 seconds was 46.1% ,40.0% ,47.9% and 48.9% more than the first time too. Conclusion CME-1 Neck Muscle Training Machine is effective and safe to improve neck muscle strength of trainer pilots.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army