
西方哲学与修辞学的历史渊源及学术走向 被引量:1

Historical Origins and Academic Trend of Western Philosophy and Rhetoric
摘要 哲学是一切科学研究的基础,修辞学也是一门综合性的基础学科。历史证明,西方修辞学的兴衰与西方哲学密切相关。在20世纪之前,哲学家把修辞学当作"假想敌",修辞学与哲学处于对立关系,极大地损害了修辞学的学术地位。20世纪初,西方哲学发生了"语言论转向",语言成为哲学研究的核心问题。随着对语言运用研究的深入,西方出现了规模宏大的修辞复兴运动和哲学的"修辞转向"。哲学与修辞学的关系从对立走向联盟,不仅大大提高了修辞学的学科地位,而且促进了哲学从理论哲学转向实践哲学,从而焕发了青春活力。 As philosophy is a foundation of all disciplines and studies, rhetoric is also a comprehensive disci- pline which is a basis for many disciplines. It has been proved by history that the rise and decline of western rhetoric 20th century, western philosophy got "the linguistic turn", and language became the focus of philosophers. As the study how people use language was deepened, a broad movement "the rhetoric renaissance" has arisen and western philosophy got "the rhetoric turn". Hence, philosophy has been closely related with rhetoric, which not only greatly heightens the academic standing of western rhetoric, but also helps western philosophy change from theoretical philosophy into practical philosophy, which is full of life in real world.
作者 张瑜
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第5期138-142,156,共6页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目"广义修辞学视域下的文学翻译与跨文化影响研究"(2012SJB740017) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(20110101)
关键词 西方哲学 西方修辞学 语言论转向 修辞转向 western philosophy western rhetoric the linguistic turn the rhetoric turn
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