Rupture of the azygos vein caused by blunt trauma is rare. According to the literature there are total of 21cases of azygos vein injury since 1978 although the actual occurrence number may be much higher.^1,2 Mostly, it is the result of traffic accidents. If the diagnosis and treatment is delayed, patients will be dying of bleeding and hemorrhagic shock. So far its mortality rate is about 40% for patients with ruptured azygos vein even if they underwent operation^3 We present a patient who had blunt trauma on his left chest, which caused right haemothorax due to ruptured azygos vein.
Rupture of the azygos vein caused by blunt trauma is rare. According to the literature there are total of 21cases of azygos vein injury since 1978 although the actual occurrence number may be much higher.^1,2 Mostly, it is the result of traffic accidents. If the diagnosis and treatment is delayed, patients will be dying of bleeding and hemorrhagic shock. So far its mortality rate is about 40% for patients with ruptured azygos vein even if they underwent operation^3 We present a patient who had blunt trauma on his left chest, which caused right haemothorax due to ruptured azygos vein.