针对磷石膏基胶凝材料强度低、耐水差的缺点,运用碱激发剂改善磷石膏基胶凝材料的力学性能和耐水性。采用扫描电镜、X射线衍射和压汞法分析磷石膏基胶凝材料水化产物和孔结构。结果表明:将磷石膏在140℃条件下热活化4 h后得半水石膏,按m(半水石膏)∶m(矿渣)∶m(生石灰)=60∶40∶4配制粉料,水胶质量比为0.6,掺1%(质量分数)的碱激发剂,磷石膏基胶凝材料抗压强度和抗折强度分别为40.6 MPa和11.3 MPa,软化系数为0.84;硬化体中二水石膏和钙矾石为基本骨架,C-S-H凝胶包覆各组分形成致密网状结构,保证材料高强高耐水性。
In allusion to the low strength and poor water resistance of phosphogypsum-based cementing material, alkaline activator was applied in improving its mechanical properties and water-resistance.Hydration products and pore structure were characterized by using scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, and mercury porosimetry.Results showed that hemihydrate calcium sulfate which was obtained by calcining phosphogypsum at 140℃ for 4 h was doped with slag and lime according to the mass ratio of 60:40:4, the mass ratio of water to binder was 0.6, and 1% (mass fraction) alkali activator was added, and then phosphogypsum-slag-based cementing material was prepared,the compressive strength and flexure strength reached 40.6 MPa and 11.3 MPa, respectively, and the softening coefficient was 0.84 ;the structure frameworks of calcium sulfate dehydrate and ettringite with the dense network structure of C-S-H gel which enfolded each component had high performances on mechanics and water resistance.
Inorganic Chemicals Industry