四川以产盐历史悠久、盐业资源丰富、井盐技术精湛在盐业生产史上占有极为重要的位置 ,但是有关四川元代盐业生产的史籍记载阙如 ,且至今也无专此研究之作。是以 ,根据零星而散乱的史料对元代四川盐业生产进行初步的研究以让人们了解元代四川盐业生产的概况 ,就显得很有必要而又有意义。基于此 ,本文就元代四川盐业的产地、产量、恢复和发展生产的措施。
Sichuan has very rich salt resources and long history of salt Industry and its well salt techniques occupy very important position. In modern times, historical matieral is very lack and there is not any special study about this. The writer uses some scattered historical material to study the salt production in the Yuan Dynasty.This Paper is the discription of the places,output ,development,Productivce technique and its raise and down of salt industry in this Dynasty.
Salt Industry History Research