
庄河大骨鸡GHR基因的多态性及其与产肉性能的关联分析 被引量:2

Correlation Analysis between Polymorphism of GHR Gene and Its Meat Performance in Zhuanghe Dagu Chicken
摘要 本文旨在探究庄河大骨鸡GHR基因的多态性及其与产肉性能相关的遗传标记。以17周龄庄河大骨鸡的公母鸡为试验材料,利用PCR-RFLP分子标记技术分析了GHR基因的内含子2,结果发现:GHR基因在庄河大骨鸡中存在AA、AB和BB三种基因型,基因型的频率分别为:0.3575、0.3825和0.2600,A和B基因的频率分别为0.5488和0.4513;AA型公母鸡的活体重、屠体重、半净膛重、全净膛重、胸肌重和平均日增重分别显著高于AB型和BB型的公母鸡(P<0.05);腿肌重、半净膛率和全净膛率三个基因型间的公母鸡差异不显著(P>0.05);AB型公母鸡和BB型的公母鸡在所测性状方面无差异(P>0.05)。GHR基因的AA型对鸡的产肉性能有显著影响,但是否能作为研究该基因与庄河大骨鸡产肉性能相关的重要遗传标记还需做进一步研究。 The purpose of this experiment was to study the polymorphism of GHR gene in Zhuanghe Dagu Chicken and its genetic markers associated with meat performance traits. In the present study,female and male Zhuanghe Dagu chickens (17 weeks old)were used to analyze the polymorphism of intron sequence of GHR gene by PCR-RFLP method. The results showed that the mutations in GHR gene intron were consisted of lhree genotypes, AA, AB and BB, and frequencies of the three genotypes were 0.3575,0.3825 and 0.26,respectively. Frequencies of gene A and gene B were 0.5488 and 0.4513, respectively. Live weight, carcass weight, semi-eviscerated weight, eviscerated weight, pectoral muscle weight, average daily gain of chickens of AA genotype were significantly higher than those of AB and BB genotype (P〈0.05). There is no significant difference in erureus weigh,semi-eviscerated weight rate and eviscerated weight rate among the three genetypes (P〉0.05). In order to make sure whether the gene can be used as a gene marker related to the meat pertormauce traits of Zhuanghe Dagu chicken,more studies should be conducted.
出处 《中国家禽》 北大核心 2012年第18期29-32,共4页 China Poultry
基金 辽宁省教育厅科技项目(L2010337)
关键词 庄河大骨鸡 GHR基因 基因多态性 产肉性能 Zhuanghe Dagu chicken GHR gene polymorphism meat performance
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