在面临全球市场效率和经济挑战的同时 ,蕴含着很大的发展潜力。为了满足现在和将来不断增长的需求 ,本文谈及的净洗概念为现代纺织湿整理公司采用革新的整理技术提供了帮助。这种综合性的净洗概念之所以受到广泛关注是由于它具备了以下这些特征 :低水耗、低能耗 ,更高净洗能力 ,全过程张力控制、生产重现性良好 。
There is great potential for meeting the challenges of the global market both efficiently and economically. The scouring concept presented here allows modern textile wetfinishing companies to use innovative process technology in order to meet increased demands now and in the future. This integrative scouring concept is distinguished by the following advantages: increased scouring performance with less water and reduced energy input, control of tension during the entire process, reproducible production results, low levels of down time and high levels of acceptance by the user.
Melliand China