IMS核心网平台的软件实现现在基本以Open IMS Core为主.当今大部分IMS客户端各有所长,但互通性较差.Doubango的客户端元素在Doubango统一框架下构建,无线客户端和固网客户端具有同样的交换信息算法并能良好互通.阐述了当今主要的开源IMS客户端并进行互通测试,并分析Doubango客户端元素的软件架构,最后在其客户端基础上添加新应用功能.本文描述的客户端架构能够作为IMS客户端扩展的重要基础,具有高性能的应用功能,可应用于不同的操作系统,从而可扩大适用IMS技术的移动终端的范围.
It is mainly Open IMS Core in the software implementation of platform for the IMS core network currently. Though most of the existing IMS clients have their own specialty, they poorly communicate between each other. The client-side components of Doubango are based on the unified framework of Doubango, wireless clients and fixed clients of which possess the same algorithm of exchange information and have good interoperability. This paper describes current main IMS clients of open source and carries out interoperability tests, then analyses the software architecture of Doubango's client-side components, finally add a new function to one of components. The client architectures presented in this paper cart be important foundation of extending the IMS clients, making which take high-performance applications on, and can be applied in different operation system to expand the serviceable range oflMS clients.
Computer Systems & Applications