
利用HPLC法测定水稻子粒主要黄酮类化合物 被引量:8

Determination of Flavonoid in Rice Grain by HPLC
摘要 通过建立水稻儿茶素、杨梅素、槲皮素和山奈酚含量的HPLC测定方法,研究水稻黄酮类化合物含量及组成差异,为高黄酮水稻种质资源的定向改良提供理论依据。本研究建立了利用HPLC法测定水稻黄酮类化合物含量的测定方法;水稻糙米的黄酮化合物组成主要以儿茶素和山奈酚的形式存在,不含杨梅素和槲皮素,不同品种儿茶素和山奈酚组成比例及含量存在差异;粳稻含有更丰富的儿茶素,有色稻山奈酚和儿茶素含量大于无色稻;糙米中含有较高的黄酮类化合物,而精米中不含或少含黄酮类化合物。 Analysis of the difference in major flavonoid contents and compositions by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method to determine catechin,myricetin,quercetin,and kaempferol was conducted in rice grain,aiming at providing the theoretic basis for directional improvement of high flavonoid germplasm resource.The HPLC method for determining flavonoid in rice grain was developed.The major flavonoid in brown rice was composed of catechin and kaempferol,but did not contain myricetin and quercetin.There was significant difference among the proportions and contents.The cultivars(or lines)of japonica rice had more catechin,while the colored rice had more myricetin and kaempferol than uncolored rice.Brown rice contained more flavonoid than milled rice,while milled rice contained little or no flavonoid.
出处 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期896-900,共5页 Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31060186) 重点新产品开发计划项目(2010BB001) 云南省技术创新人才培养项目(2011CI059)
关键词 HPLC法 黄酮类化合物 水稻 儿茶素 山奈酚 HPLC method Flavonoid Rice Catechin Kaempferol
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