
循环介质温度对湿法脱硫节水影响研究 被引量:1

Influence of Circulating Medium Temperature on Water Consumption of Wet FGD
摘要 基于湿法脱硫高耗水特性及水资源危机日益严重,本文模拟实际脱硫塔烟气入口条件,详细研究了不同循环介质温度及入口烟气水蒸气浓度对脱硫系统蒸发水量的影响。实验结果显示不同入口烟气水蒸气浓度下均存在一临界循环介质温度,当循环介质温度低于该临界温度时,脱硫系统不但不需要补水,反而需要排水。且临界循环介质温度随入口烟气水蒸气浓度增大而升高。对于某些高水分褐煤,即使在钙基湿法脱硫系统中都有可能实现零补水状态运行。 With increasing serious water crisis and huge water consumption in wet FGD, the effect of circulating medium temperature and inlet vapor concentration of flue gas on water consumption of wet FGD is studied in detailed according to the actual desulfurization system. Results show that there is a critical circulating medium temperature corresponding to each inlet vapor concentration. When circulating medium temperature is lower than the critical temperature, the desnlfurization system is water-saving and need to drain regularly. Along with increasing inlet vapor concentration, the critical temperature raise. When adding calcium desulfurizer into the wet FGD system, it still can obtain zero water supplements with high moisture lignite.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1827-1829,共3页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50976086)
关键词 水蒸气 循环介质 烟气 脱硫 water vapor circulating medium flue gas desulfurization
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